The Hermit
Featured on the album Carnage Carnival.
The Hermit is a bit of a sneak peek into a somewhat-secret project I've been working on for a year or so. The music is a previously-published instrumental song, Now There Was A Special Silence, from my first album 36 / 72 = 1/2. The lyrics are a scene/chapter from a forthcoming book called Wallpaper Music: An Erik Satire.
I won't say more about it at this time and spoil the "secret", except to say that Wallpaper Music is a next-step of sorts in expanding my songs into a larger mixed-meida narrative. Stay tuned.
He arrived at the beach, not sure what he expected to find.
Answers maybe. But to what question?
He thought of this place as where he came from.
A silly thought, but true.
Not born here, but reborn.He looked down at the crab.
“What say you?”
The crab chittered a mournful reply.
The moon was red tonight.
Full and dull, but slowly brightening as it rose over the waters.He wasn’t sure of the question in his heart.
His mind could not find it.
But he felt its pulse.He knew the answer however.
It burned. It promised.
He feared it, as he loved it.
He knew it well, though it felt foreign, bizarre.
It was his birthright.
His comeuppance.
His fulfillment.He’d worked, and suffered, and struggled, and arrived.
He knew what came next.
He hadn’t needed to make this excursion back to his rebirthplace.
He had left here in mind of what he must do, what he must get.
Now he admitted to himself, and to Scurvy:
“All that’s left is to have it all.”~
The crab hunkered in on itself,
legs bending, pincers closing in over its head,
for the first time since he’d followed the Gray Man away from this beach,